Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lissencephaly - Finally!!!

Mousy and Lissencephaly

So, another problem resolved...finally!!!
Mousy has been fa-bu-lous! Only smiles and coo and more smiles. Those kind of smiles that are totally selfless, warm, loving, naive. This is the best present and reward i can have from overcome this obstacle.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I wanted to tell you that I love reading about you and mousy. You are a very sweet mama! Mousy is lucky to have you.

    I have a little boy that has lissencephaly too. Many of the feelings that you have talked about I have too. This is a tough way of life.

    Rowan is my little boy. He is six months old now. He also has a twin sister, Hayden.

    You can come check out our blog anytime.

    Thinking of you,
